domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014




This paper aims to examine the subject of the types of judgments and awareness of what is good talk, the elements that make up and also mention examples.

So we can apply the judgments correctly to begin with we should know that a judgment is a mental act by which we form an opinion of something, the trial consists of a subject (object concept trial), a predicate (the concept that applies to the subject) and copulation (which states if thought is not the object itself or the trial). "Man is evil" is an example of judgment, where "man" is the subject, "bad" is the predicate "is" copulation.
In general, the word judgment relates to human rational capacity that allows choose and value between good and evil. It is said that a person is lacking in judgment or is not in his right mind when he possesses his altered mental abilities and can not discern their actions with clarity of thought.
 There are two types of judgments, value judgment and moral judgment.


Throughout our lives we make value judgments. A value judgment is an assessment in which it is affirmed or denied about a particular issue; a value judgment about expressing the tastes, preferences and our thinking.
A characteristic of this is that they are obviously subjective because they depend on people.

The value judgment is the judgment of right or wrong of something, based on a particular set of values ​​or a particular set of values.
Value judgments are statements of subjectivity that can be compared to the axioms in mathematics and geometry. For example, Euclidean geometry is based on a set of different from other forms of geometry, so that certain postulates in geometry may be false in another geometry axioms. These assumptions are similar to those in many value judgments which declare that something is true within a value system but false in another ways. Conceptual mind is related to the anthropological axiom "cultural relativism" (ie, that cultural meaning only exists in the context) and the term "moral relativism." It can also be considered as thoughts about theories and their truth from practice.
Examples of different scales of values.

1 For some men life is the supreme value; for others. An example of this we have to find opposing views on the death penalty or military service.
"It is impossible to decide in a rational scientific manner by any of these value judgments, the resolution will be in charge of our consciousness, the emotional".
2 For a slave will not be so simple to decide if it's life or freedom.
3 For some people will prefer a free economic system and for others a planned economy; this will have to see individual freedom as the value or economic value of each security.
4 Does the doctor have to tell the truth to the terminally ill or must lie out of compassion? This will be resolved according to the value attributed to the person of truth and compassion.
5 According to Plato, in certain cases, may just be unhappy and happy unfair. However believes that citizens must be subject to the law think it's only fair happy. Thus Plato justifies lying state guarantees when obeying the law and agree that justice for the government, that is legal, it is above the truth.
6 "The answer will always be a subjective judgment."
other examples

In the West can children bear arms in the east if
The rights of women in both.
In psychology ... psychoanalysis considers the subject of the unconscious, the behaviorist school considered only from the consent.

A moral judgment has to do with the rules of society in which we live has established.
We continually make judgments about the behavior and actions of others. Often we become judges of others, and we stand on the honesty or dishonesty of others' behavior. At other times we try to give reasons that convince the people around us that our actions have had to be done so and not otherwise. How are moral judgments possible ?, What makes at any given time can rule on the goodness or badness of an act ?, Arguably, moral judgments are possible by the Moral Sense. It is the set of schemes, rules and regulations that we have acquired through our education, family and environment, and that we maintain at the time of making a moral judgment, if we look at our own individual history, we can remember easily, which along it has been transmitted to us a set of rules or moral norms, patterns of behavior. But who has referred us? First, our family, then educational institutions that have been also own society in which we live and on which we depend. Has continually told us what is good and what is bad, or what our teachers considered good or bad, with this learning and to such standards of conduct we could have three attitudes: Rejecting Indifference, Aceptación.Rechazo when the rule or rules that we have passed has not convinced us, and after reflection and critique, we decided to forget them, also rejection, exhaustion or saturation when we have, without more, dispensed with them. Rejection, too, when we replaced by others. Indifference, if the rule or rule tells us nothing, and return back to your content. It is not an effective rejection, nor a conscious acceptance. Acceptance, where such rule or rules, are what we might call our moral baggage. The set of rules that have kept, preserved, with which we grow, we walk through life and constitute what we initially called moral sense.
Then we say that a moral judgment is the mental act that affirms or denies the moral courage to a situation or behavior. Through moral judgment finding the truth is intended.

Moral judgment is silent on the presence (or absence) of an ethical value in a particular situation or behavior

The development of moral judgment involves an explicit educational support, in my personal opinion based on all the surroundings that have been exposed since birth will make a judgment based on our moral attitudes we decided to take according to what we think the is good and what is bad, to make a detailed analysis of our environment and certain circumstances and that takes us to adopt three kinds of attitudes: Rejection, indifference and acceptance.
A moral judgment must contain:
CAUSES AND REASONS: Every moral act is motivated by something, circumstances, ideals, beliefs, personality, etc., are factors that lead a person to act in one way or another.
In many cases the causes or reasons for which the subject acts are beyond their control, that is, when the causes have to do with social determinations, here the subject is moving within these determinations but being fully aware of them, then the causes and reasons are to do something or not.

PURPOSE, INTENT AND MEANS: The goals are the goals that the subjects get to act morally, this is what results in the application of the values​​, make them come true in the circumstance in question. Intentions are what drives the individual to realize the application of values ​​and are the means which the subject uses to perform an action and achieve their goals to be achieved, for example, protect girls and children in a nursery of family violence is a good end, but the means used by the teachers is a strict discipline and punishment including blows, here the medium does not have a consistent relationship to the end.


"That girl is not going to school, it is loose and vague"
Moral judgment is negative, because it is judged without knowing the background of the "for" not attending school and even states but it is something that may not be (loose and vague)


Made by: 
Martinez Canseco Vivian Anett And Martinez Hernandez Kely Ariatna
Group: 134

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